
Bilder aus der alt-katholischen Gemeinde Stuttgart

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Grundsteinlegung der Englischen Kirche zu Stuttgart (20. Mai 1864)

"Laying the foundain-stone of an English church at Stutgard, in Wirtemberg"

London newspaper article of the laying of the cornerstone of the Stuttgart English Church which took place May 20, 1864.

"In the autumn of last year, the Chaplain at Stutgard [sic], in Wirtemberg...called a meeting of his congregation to take into consideration a proposal for procuring an iron church --scarcely hoping for anything beyond this. On the morning of the meeting, however he received an intimation from a lady who had been a member of his congregation for a short time only, placing at his disposal the munificent sum of �2000, afterwards increased to �2500, for the work which he contemplated....The ceremony [of the Laying of the foundation-stone, May 20,...] was performed with great solemnity, in the presence of the Minister of the Interior of the Kingdom of Wirtemberg, the authorities of the town, the British Legation, the Roman Catholic and Greek clergymen, the Prelate, King's Chaplains, and other ministers of the Lutheran body, and the English clergy from several neighbouring towns, nine in number. These, with the chapel-wardens, architect, and others, moved in procession to the site of the church, after the celebration of holy communion in the Palace Chapel, where the English service has lately been held. The site was very tastefully decorated by the architect, to whom great credit is due for much and hearty exertion. A triple Gothic arch of branches of fir, surmounted with floriated crosses and the flags of England and Wirtemberg, and covered with cloth of crimson and blue, was erected for the clergy and others who formed the procession, and a pavilion similarly adorned was prepared for the congregation. ...On the right [stood] the English Ambassador, ready to lay the stone; on the left, ... the architect and clerk of the works assisting. There was a concourse of some 700 or 800 persons, who listened to the prayers and praises with attention and reverence. The whole ceremony was conducted with great order, and must have impressed the Germans with the edifying nature of our liturgical worship. The church, dedicated to St. Catharine, in memory of the daughter of the foundress, is to hold 150 persons. The style is Early English. It consist of chancel, nave, founder's chapel, and spire. The whole interior length is 80 ft., width 26 ft. The plans were prepared by Messrs. Smith, of Bloomsbury-square, but are necessarily executed and slightly modified by a local architect. It is expected to be ready for consecration at Easter next."

BILD0146.JPG BILD0149.JPG Laying_the_foundation-stone_of_an_English_church_at_Stutgard,_in_Wirtemberg_B6821_opt.png Ruine_der_englischen_Kirche_Skizze_08_01_1948_F__Vogel_B7217_opt.png Englische_Kirche_in_Stuttgart_B6661_opt.png
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